"Soldier, Poet, King" is a song by The Oh Hellos. It briefly tells the story of three characters: a raging soldier, an inconstant poet and a burdened king.
These designs were made as a group project. The Soldier was designed by me, the Poet by Stella Mahle and the King by Maria Eduarda Ribeiro and me. All of the turn arounds where drawn by me and the colors are by Camila Santos.
The Soldier

Blinded by war, the Soldier carries battle within him. Because of that, he only sees the world by the lenses of violence. Although he is tired, he cannot win his rage. He is alone, and everyone is against him.

His primary shape is the triangle, to not only sharpen his body, but also to demonstrate his instability. His armor is old, but efficient. It carries battle scars. The cloak was added to further emphasize the Soldier's silhouette.
The Poet

Blinded by his emotions, the Poet is a traveller. He writes about the villages he passes by, with words of wonders and pain. And, in silence, he leaves them. The Poet, just as nature, is inconstant, and his feelings dictate the way he sees the world.

His primary shape is the circle, in order to reveal the Poet's fluidity. Because he sees himself as part os nature, his clothes are simple, with earthy tones. And his cloak carries his words. The butterfly represents his sensitive way of seeing the world, but also, it is often said that the flapping of a butterflies's wings has a destructive power - just like the Poet's words.
The King

Blinded by his legacy, the King doesn't live for himself, but for his duty. He doesn't like this life, he is tired, but he has to continue. The one who carries the crown also bears its weight.

His primary shape is a square because of its stability. The King had his life written in stone, therefore his base is made of rock and his bust is made of aged gold. His crown, that has his duties written, blinds him with its weight. Lastly, the candles represent the time passing.
Thank you for reading :)